How to Keep Kids’ Smiles Safe This Summer

River Ranch Dental has the tips you need to keep your child’s teeth safe through summertime activities.

Fight Against Tooth Decay

Keep the junky summer snacking to a minimum. After a little indulging at the local fair on cotton candy and snow cones, make sure your kids rinse out really well with water.

Ask Dr. David Rivers about supplementing your child’s fluoride exposure to protect their enamel.

Protect Against Trauma

Does your son or daughter have plans for sports or summer camp?

Don’t send them away without a protective athletic mouth guard. Maybe some feel it’s overkill, but you’ll see who has the last laugh (and all their) teeth at the end of the summer. A mouth guard will protect tooth alignment, costly dental restorations, and can prevent serious injury.

Move Teeth Safely

Some kids have taken an interest in attempting to perform their own orthodontic treatment. Middle schoolers in particular are concerned about their appearance. They may be curious to see what improvements they can make to their smile over the summer.

Talk openly with your child about his or her feelings on the appearance of their teeth. Make sure they understand that they should never attempt treatment at home as it’s too dangerous. Right now, while your child is on summer vacation may be the best time to bring them in for an orthodontic assessment.

Encourage Diligent Hygiene

Summer is a time for relaxation and fun. Who wants to stick to a boring routine? Even so, be careful that your kids don’t let the brushing and flossing slide. Cavity-causing germs never take a vacation!

Send your kids back to school in excellent dental health. Plan checkups for the family at River Ranch Dental.

Posted on behalf of River Ranch Dental

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